Thursday, 1 February 2018

Unlocking the Mystery of Creative Play

Last week, I had the privilege of spending five days at the Committed to Cloth Studio in Surrey.  Leslie, who was leading the Unlocking the Mystery of Creative Play workshop, was most generous in her time, support and encouragement to us all.   We had individual help as well as group sessions.

We played with black India ink on a variety of white paper and used the photocopier to make enlargements and reductions, which we then cut up and collaged.

We painted with a scruffy brush on a long stick, with India ink again on  a long piece of paper.

When that had dried, we painted on the other side with diluted India ink.


I cut mine up and made a large book.  I will be putting details of it on my blog:

This collage was made from black and white photocopies of the exercises I had done earlier with coloured papers.

I made a small book from some of my collaged papers.

The five days were so beneficial.  I am hoping that it will help inform my work for our next theme.

But first I need to finish my Destinations work for our first exhibition at the NEC in March.
