Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Funky Felted Abstract

The West Country Quilt and Textile Show opens on Thursday and runs through till Saturday. This year, we will be teaching a workshop for the first time and we're looking forward to sharing our ideas and expertise. We have sometimes been asked by visitors and show organisers and so decided to take that next step. Last month at Deb's studio, we enjoyed planning and sorting out packs of resources, which means that we will also have some kits with instructions for sale on our stand (G48).

Look at these lovely fibres waiting to be packed!

Thanks to Vicki for making this mountain of rice bags to use as felting mats!

When we shared our ideas with the show organisers, they came up with the title 'Funky Felted Abstract' and we quite liked it so it stuck! We will be needle-felting a square of individual abstract design to decorate the cover of a 6 inch square sketchbook, using a variety of fibres, threads and textured yarns with added simple embroidery. Here are some of the samples we made with different colourways.

... and here are some finished and stuck onto the sketchbooks.

We will be running the workshop daily at 12.30 and demonstrating needle-felting techniques on our stand at the show. In the mornings, we'll be using some of the beautiful fibres and yarns to show how we made the workshop samples and in the afternoons, we'll be using the Janome embellisher in various ways, as usual. If you are planning on coming to the show, we'd love to see you for a chat about our work.

We're heading off to Bristol tomorrow to set everything up ready for Thursday. Looking forward to it ...
